Thursday, November 11, 2010

the carley situation.

I'm hurt. you know, its not the best thing to hear your best friends talk about you. but for some reason its even worse to hear it right from them. I'm kind of sick of crying over all of this. I'm not looking for pity, honestly I'm not. i just need to get it off my chest, because i cant keep dwelling on it. why cant everyone just be nice? and leave each other alone. its gotten to the point of people that aren't even involved with the situation are talking about me. people I've never talked to hate me. strongly.
and what makes it even worse is the person that is making me feel the shittiest, is a fucking hypocrite. I'm obsessed? fuck that. look at yourself.
i just want everyone to get the fuck over all of this. if you don't like me, then you don't have to be friends with me. if I'm a bitch, great. if I'm the most negative person you've ever met, wonderful.
but you know i think I'm the bigger person, honestly. you bitched me out, i didn't say a word that could remotely offend you. i ended it. i haven't spoken to you. but you know what, at this point i think that's your job. I'm not going to change because I'm too negative. i don't really even think I'm as negative as you think. I'm honest. if you're talking about something i dint like I'm not going to sit there and agree, i disagree. if that makes me negative, well i don't know what to do.
hopefully all of this will end soon and we can all just be friends, and not hate so much. I'm truly lucky to have a couple of people that are there to listen, and make me feel better, but i don't think that should be necessary.
just stop.
take a step back.
and look at what you're doing.
it hurts.

Monday, August 16, 2010


hey! whats going on!? i need magazines. more importantly...i need more rolling stone magazines. they seem to always have the best advertisements in them. i'm trying to decorate my walls with pictures from magazines. i currently have half a wall done and its currently becoming an addiction! HELP! no, but really. i have some pictures from rolling stone, spin, and AP. the music based magazines have really creative pictures in them. and i think all of them mesh together perfectly! i really dont even know who half the people on my wall are, and that does not bother me one bit! it looks grrrrreat! hehe. i do know that i have 2 pictures of michael cera and a picture of vampire weekend though! i need to search for/buy more magazines so i have more pictures. i feel like i'm just repeating myself over and over, so... BYE!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

First Blog.

Hey guys.
This is my first blog. I usually have tons of things going on in my head, so i figured, why not make a blog?
It's summer now, and I can see in the next three months, i'm going to be bored out of my mind.
I'm currently watching a show about woman that go 9 monthes without knowing they're pregnant. How the hell does that happen?! I have NO idea.
So, uh that's it for tonight.